After 100 days we came home.

by Vanessa George, Edmonton, Alberta

“Emma was born via C-section at 26 weeks. She was 730 grams at birth and came out crying. That night I was able to hold my little girl for the first time. She didn’t look like a baby, she more closely resembled an alien being, with her long legs and arms, and almost transparent skin. Unfortunately, while I was holding her, her stats started to drop and she was taken from me and intubated and put on a ventilator. The first few days were the worst.”

“On the third day, the Neonatologist sat down and talked to us. He said he was not worried about survival; she had almost a 90-100% chance of making it out of the NICU. This immediately calmed many of my fears. This gave me the power to think other families have gone through this, the doctors have handled this before, we can do it too.”

“These tiny babies are the bravest and strongest beings I have ever seen, and we as parents must be brave and strong to have been selected to have these amazing beings in our lives. I can’t say this was easy, but through it, I have met some amazing people, people that if we had never met, I’m not sure I would have gotten through this journey. After 100 days we came home.”